Sunday, April 26, 2009

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Issues, Etc. "Talk radio for the thinking Christian"

The Prodigal Son in Modern Life: The Return (1882) James Tissot 1836 – 1902


Tissot places the story of the prodigal son who returns to his father repenting in a contemporary context. The son's ship has just come in and his father awaits him at the quay.

Perhaps Tissot was inspired by this depiction of the story by Rembrandt. Here too the bystanders look on in silence, impressed by the scene. Twenty years earlier, Tissot made a Prodigal son set in Paris.

Tissot lived in London when he made this painting. He enjoyed spending time in the Port of London and often used it as a setting for his work.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Colbert Video: The Bible out of context

Here’s an entertaining video of Colbert defending the authenticity of the Bible. He actually does a great job and keeps it very funny as he goes.

The confused soul that plays Colbert’s guest in this clip is out promoting his new book, “Jesus Interrupted: Revealing the hidden contradictions in the Bible.” It’s one more sad example of how the tradition of interpreting the Bible out of context or using it as something that it’s not has done tremendous damage to the truth of Christianity.

Shoot - we now have an entire culture of even Christians who have taken it upon themselves to interpret Sacred Scripture independent of Sacred Tradition and the Church that gave it to us. And then they go out and come to their own fallible conclusions about it based solely on their own, personal authority. So I suppose we can’t be too surprised when non-believers claim to disprove Christianity using the same exact method. We need to rethink why we believe in the Bible in the first place.

Hope you enjoy the video!
The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Bart Ehrman
Colbert Report Full EpisodesPolitical HumorGay Marriage Commercial

Previous quote from Fallible Blogma (linked at title)

Happy God’s Green Earth Day

Happy God’s Green Earth Day
Earth day is a great day to remember and give thanks to God for His creation. It’s absolutely amazing. Here’s a preview of the new movie, “Earth” - pretty awesome.

Oh, and speaking of how awesome our Earth is…the Vatican is building the largest solar plant in Europe to power Vatican State and then export the mostly excess energy to surrounding Italy. Will be an interesting endeavor
The previous comments concerning the film come via "Fallible Blogma" (linked to title)

Saturday, April 18, 2009

David and Goliath - Omar Schindler 1888

(Lithograph by Osmar Schindler (1869-1927): David und Goliath, 1888.)

Susan Boyle - Cry Me A River - 1999 Recording (From The Scottish Daily Record Newspaper)

THE Daily Record has uncovered the only CD ever made by Scotland’s singing sensation Susan Boyle…the Record can reveal she made her first recording back in 1999, when she sang blues ballad Cry Me A River for a charity CD.

Only 1000 copies of the disc were ever produced, but we’ve got hold of the long-forgotten recording and it’s now on our site. A showbiz insider said: “This is a real coup for the Record. The whole world would have wanted to find this.

“People will be scrambling to get their hands on this CD. They will be like gold dust soon.”

Friday, April 17, 2009

Jaime Thietten - My Chance

"'My Chance', received the "Song of the Year" award at this year's Momentum Award ceremonies in Nashville on March 28. This is a second win in this category for Jaime, who received Song of the Year for 'Reckless Love' in 2007, along with 2007 Female Vocalist of the Year."
Her website is:

Centraal Station Antwerpen gaat uit zijn dak!

Stand By Me from David Johnson on Vimeo.

"Stand by Me" performed by musicians around the world from SKAT on Vimeo.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

White House confirms it got 2 million red envelopes

White House confirms it got 2 million red envelopes

President's mail worker claims letter campaign 1 of largest in 35 years
Posted: April 06, 2009
8:21 pm Eastern

By Chelsea Schilling
© 2009 WorldNetDaily

The White House mail office has confirmed it received a "deluge" of as many as 2.25 million red envelopes symbolizing the empty promise of lives snuffed out in abortion in a massive campaign that was larger than most White House mailing movements in the last 35 years.

White House mail worker "Steve" has handled letters for 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. for more than three decades. Every single package and letter destined for the White House goes through his office.

Asked if he has seen a flood of red envelopes bound for the White House, Steve chuckled.

"Uh, yes," he said emphatically. "Believe me, they made it here."
...(article continues here)

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Evangelical Lutheran Church and their pro choice stance

The following is a quote from:

One of the saddest parts of my healing was being made aware that the church I was confirmed in was now an Evangelical Lutheran Churchof America (not to be confused with the Missouri Synod, Evangelical Lutheran Synod or Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod which don't share the viewpoint with the ELCA) . The ELCA stance (read here) on abortion is that in essence they are pro choice. It does state "A developing life in the womb does not have an absolute right to be born, nor does a pregnant woman have an absolute right to terminate a pregnancy...".(disturbing)...laws and church rules should be created to protect the innocent lives. In stating that "a developing life in the womb does not have an absolute right to be born.." and simultaneously saying a woman doesn't have an absolute right to end the pregnancy and yet further they state certain exception to allowing essence PRO CHOICE. George Tiller (late term abortionist) belongs to this ELCA (read Here)...and CHRISTS HOSPITAL (read here)in chicago where Jill Stanek worked which basically was dumping late term born alive babies in the soiled linen closet is also an Evangelical Lutheran Church...There is a group called Lutherans for Life which is incredible in fighting for life. In any event, I believe that if one is being truly biblical there is no choice but life and that we will agree with Psalm 139 and know that God has knit us and we don't advocate for taking a life under any circumstances...

Walk For Life West Coast 2009 - Speakers

Walk for Life - 2009 (speakers) from CULTURE OF LIFE JOURNAL on Vimeo.