Friday, April 24, 2009

Colbert Video: The Bible out of context

Here’s an entertaining video of Colbert defending the authenticity of the Bible. He actually does a great job and keeps it very funny as he goes.

The confused soul that plays Colbert’s guest in this clip is out promoting his new book, “Jesus Interrupted: Revealing the hidden contradictions in the Bible.” It’s one more sad example of how the tradition of interpreting the Bible out of context or using it as something that it’s not has done tremendous damage to the truth of Christianity.

Shoot - we now have an entire culture of even Christians who have taken it upon themselves to interpret Sacred Scripture independent of Sacred Tradition and the Church that gave it to us. And then they go out and come to their own fallible conclusions about it based solely on their own, personal authority. So I suppose we can’t be too surprised when non-believers claim to disprove Christianity using the same exact method. We need to rethink why we believe in the Bible in the first place.

Hope you enjoy the video!
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