Tuesday, March 24, 2009

From Rachel Lucas....sheep were given the opportunity to create Hillbilly Bravado Performance Art...yes there is some time-lapse photography, but for the most part, this DID happen.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The Party of the Bloodthirst

Quoting Bob:

Soon after President Barack Obama signed an executive order lifting the ban on the use federal funding of embryonic stem cells in medical research, the wizards behind the White House web site posted the photo above. Though I find it less troubling than the president’s continuing assault on the unborn, the file name (hero_stemcell_main2.jpg) under which someone at the White House saved the photo of the signing ceremony this afternoon is disturbingly creepy.
I discovered the file name when I went to save the photo to my computer. Click here to see a screen shot which shows the file name for the photo highlighted
....(article and photo linked here)

"Heroic"?(Our burden? To illuminate this insane character flaw of the Democrat Party so that they might see it for what it is - a cannibalistic urgency for the universal endorsement of the shedding of innocent human children's blood... for any reason, at any stage of development, using any means possible. No conscience, no compassion,.... forcing us to participate by paying the bill with tax dollars. And not one effective medical procedure has been developed from fetal stem cells; even while huge numbers of great discoveries and treatments have been developed using adult stem cells.
Just another fact ignored by the Democrats.)

Monday, March 9, 2009

Scripts, puppets and teleprompters

We have a president who cannot appear in public for even the most simple announcement without a teleprompter. It is literally proving to be "the elephant in the room" for press photographers trying to get good photos of Barack Obama with his appointees (three more of those have now dropped out), or with world leaders. Even the simplest announcement now must be scripted.

My question, and one the biased members of the fourth estate, refuse to ask: "If he cannot speak for himself, who is writing the script?" Or, "If our new president is nothing more than an elaborate puppet, who is the puppet-master?"

When President Reagan was in office, the left was endlessly ridiculing the fact that at one time he had been a "script-reading former actor" who had ascended to the presidency. Yet in sharp contrast, now we have a president so lacking in substance that he must be supplied a script in order to "act out" the task of being president.

Which is worse? An actor become eloquent spokesman for his country, or an eloquent speech reader who in substance is proving to be nothing more than an actor? This would be almost funny if the safety of the United States and our way of life were not at risk.