Saturday, February 28, 2009

About Obama Vetting Prayers and Always Censoring Jesus Out of Them

Is the Obama White House vetting prayers? Dan Gilgoff of U.S. News and World Report reports that this represents a "new tradition" established by the administration of President Barack Obama. As Gilgoff revealed, "In a departure from previous presidents, his public rallies are opening with invocations that have been commissioned and vetted by the White House."....
..... sign me up as an opponent of any prayer that is vetted by any government official or agency.
....(continue article here)

Using the “potential for upsetting people” as a reason to pray or not to pray in the name of Jesus? Not valid.

I hardly think Jeremiah Wright even merits a mention in this conversation. More a performer than a true evangelist, his prayers reflected as much. I have listened to Rev. Wright and have concluded that Christ was just another prop to bolster his angry agenda. My concern about this news story, the reason I posted it, is that I see the President's massive ego, not only moving in to control the health, life (think abortion and rationed healthcare where the feeble and Seniors ALWAYS lose) and death of his fellow citizens, but NOW HE sets himself up as "The One" to determine to whom we may pray to in his presence?, life and death are not enough, now he lays claim to the hereafter? Forget separation of church and state, that is irrelevant to this discussion.

Stepping back into the issue of public prayers however, I understand the reality of being “forced” to overhear unchristian prayers.

Growing up in Southeastern Idaho, teachers, fellow students, coaches, all in the community, saw it as their duty to pray before concerts, games, ....even some classes, when the teacher happened to be an RM (returned missionary) in the Mormon church. So, since public school (junior and senior high for me) was spent in a virtual Mormon parochial system (we were Conservative ACTIVE Lutherans), I was given an amazing opportunity to develop all kinds of insight and empathy for folks who resent public prayers. Mormon friends would send missionaries over to my house, sometimes they would literally corner me between classes or at lunch.... Difficult? Yes. Impossible? Not at all. I am so thankful for all that now, it forced me to know my faith and freed my tongue to express it.

My habit? I didn't bow my head, but I did show respect for the folks present by standing quietly as everyone else would fold their arms (they don't fold their hands, a dead giveaway that the praying person is LDS by the way) and at those times (and they DID come) when WE had the opportunity to pray, you can bet we didn't walk away from it.
Since my prayers are not directed toward the other people in the room, (nor did they start with the Mormon mantra "our heavenly father") but ALWAYS were specifically addressed to "Christ, the Lord and Savior - who with the Father and the Spirit is worshiped and Glorified..(insert the rest of it here)..In JESUS name, Amen."

“They” heard something different. And I always trusted that God would take sinful persons and use us, since other Lutheran/Christian classmates were sometimes “even” given the opportunity to lead some prayers at times.

Again, I don't know if you have ever been a religious minority, but I spent the first nineteen years of my life being one, so when I had the opportunity to share Christ, I seized it like a starving child grabs a piece of bread. God used those opportunities; I was amazed at the WONDERFUL conversations, even some transformation we were privileged to observe. The Word does the work.

More recently, just a little over five years ago, when my husband took a call and we moved to Northern California, I was asked by a women's civic organization that I had joined, to give the introductory and meal prayer at their monthly luncheon. I told the leaders, that since I am a Christian, Jesus would be who I was addressing, and if that ever became a problem, "you'll need to find someone else". I always preceded my prayer with a Bible verse, often from the Psalms, since many of the folks in the room had deep family anguish, or health issues, or deaths in their families....Never a problem, not once in the four years I prayed, until we were called elsewhere and have now moved. By the way, it is supposed to be illegal to pray in Jesus name at public events in California. The police never came to arrest me, in fact, since it was a political organization; they were often at the meetings, as a guest speaker, or to drum up political support.

In fact the president of the organization also asked me to submit a column in their monthly newsletter, and often I would borrow items from Dr. Dale Meyer's newsletter...(always crediting the source of course). And people were simply grateful. They wanted to hear more. It started because I prayed as a Lutheran, in Jesus’ name.

Since Christ’s name was a part of the conversation, His being mentioned provided opportunity for folks to at first hesitantly, then with increasing confidence, query me on what we believe.

I speak from no synodical echo-chamber, but I am not the issue. Prayer in the name of Jesus is the issue. We do not push, but more, we must NEVER apologize.

Wakko's Fifty States Capitals

Friday, February 20, 2009

200 Years After Darwin - What Didn't Darwin Know?

A GREAT video, from a website called Intelligent Design the Future.
Well worth the time it takes to view the video, a very SWEET presentation.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Star Wars Kid (NOT ONE OF MY SONS!)

I realize ELEVEN MILLION other people have seen this kid, but I first saw the boy has moves just today. Woo-hoo, .
The blogger who featured him, suggested "this kid" might merit funds from the stimulus package.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

California Whine

As I stated on Jennifer Roback Morse's site....
After five years in California I discovered what I call The Four basic tenets of the modern day feminist:
1) Truth is defined by what I am feeling
2)What I am feeling justifies anything I choose to say or however I choose to behave
3)If I do not get my own way, I am a victim
4) If you (as a man) are not telepathic about what I am thinking or feeling, YOU ARE INSENSITVE. (Heaven help the man who is thus labeled.)
We lived this. I saw this, and six months after our departure, I am still convinced this is indeed true.

By the way, this "effeminate" philosophy for defining truth in life has been adopted and is practiced now, regardless of one's gender, in many quarters. And of course, the mindset is absolutely not limited geographically; yet I was taken aback by the hostility toward men I saw embraced and nurtured by the women of California.

Arthur Schopenhauer on Genius (courtesy of Melissa Clothier)

Talent hits a target no one else can hit; Genius hits a target no one else can see.

Women Know Your Limits from Harry Enfield

Dr. Laura Comments about Day Orphanages (via linked Video)

(Girl on a Sailboat - By Elizabeth Shippen Green)

When I was a mother with three young children at home full-time, I relied on Christ, my husband, a few distant but choice friends, and DR. LAURA for encouragement.

Ironic, that this woman who wasn't even Christian provided more real support in my efforts to raise our boys in the nurture and admonition of the Lord, than did anyone in our Lutheran congregation. From their perspective, I lacked a proper (feminist) sense of ambition....or something. Or perhaps I made the women feel guilty, so they avoided talking about it.

At one point I provided day-care for other families' children so that I might supplement our family income, a job that enabled my continued presence at home with our boys. Though I provided good care for those children, I couldn't hold a candle to the absent mothers.

Obviously I am not neutral on this topic and deeply connect with Dr. Laura's message on this video.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

"Classical Medley" By Buddy Greene


(Information comes from my brother in North Dakota)
* “Expelled”—Literally
Last year, Ben Stein (a well-known comic and former presidential speech writer, whom you may recognize from Visine commercials) produced “Expelled,” a movie that draws attention to a pattern in modern academia: Those who suggest, on the basis of scientific data, that the complexity of life suggests intelligent, not random origin, are being refused tenure, and are being excluded from scientific dialog. Ben’s own experience now validates his assertion. He’s a marvelous, engaging speaker, and was scheduled to speak at the University of Vermont commencement this spring. However, because of an e-mail uproar denouncing him for his challenge to evolutionary theory, he has tried to bring calm to the University by declining the invitation.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Issues, Etc. and Synod

It seems the leadership of the LCMS is calling upon the theological sensibilities of those who oppose them, to get them to back down, yet available evidence indicates that they themselves are being driven by a corporate, even litigious mindset. Do they even refer to Christ in any of this?

Shouldn't it be the other way around? Shouldn't the leaders be "evidently driven" - appealing to what we actually believe, teach and confess.....LEADING as they address their concerns? Or could it be they don't have a theological leg to stand on, or "upon which to sit"?

More info. can be found at:

Hemingway, Ott, Moran

Video from Pajamas TV. You can select the video quality on the left side of the player.

Pirate Christian Radio is Sailing Circles Around KFUO AM

Maybe the reason why Jerry Kieschnick is threatening to sue Todd Wilken and Jeff Schwarz is because Pirate Christian Radio's broadside against KFUO AM has left the LCMS's radio station dead in the water and Ablaze™.....(continue article here)

Nuns Gone Wild! #10

Original Caption:

Kingston -- The Sisters of Divine Providence set their sights as they try out new .22 caliber rifles presented to them at Camp Mishannock by Harrington and Richardson of Worcester, Massacusetts. The guns will be used in a rifle training program at the camp. Pictured right to left are: Sister Noel, camp director; Sister Rosaria; Sister Wilfrid; Sister Mary Janet and Sister Mary. Three of the nuns will be instructors in the rifle program. (1957)
Seeing the Nuns with Guns, perhaps this young lady was a graduate of their gun-safety course....

Obama Parody Posters

(From "I'm no fan of Obama. However, I am quickly becoming a fan of his iconic Shepard Fairey poster and all of the parodies it has inspired.

While there were the obvious anti-Bush and McCain posters, the parodies I most admire are a little less on target.

Some parodies were simply inspired by words that rhyme with 'hope'.... but others....

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

My time is being spent elsewhere....yes, I confess I like to engage in political discussion, in spite of the fact Lutherans are above such be it.