Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Evangelical Lutheran Church and their pro choice stance

The following is a quote from:

One of the saddest parts of my healing was being made aware that the church I was confirmed in was now an Evangelical Lutheran Churchof America (not to be confused with the Missouri Synod, Evangelical Lutheran Synod or Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod which don't share the viewpoint with the ELCA) . The ELCA stance (read here) on abortion is that in essence they are pro choice. It does state "A developing life in the womb does not have an absolute right to be born, nor does a pregnant woman have an absolute right to terminate a pregnancy...".(disturbing)...laws and church rules should be created to protect the innocent lives. In stating that "a developing life in the womb does not have an absolute right to be born.." and simultaneously saying a woman doesn't have an absolute right to end the pregnancy and yet further they state certain exception to allowing essence PRO CHOICE. George Tiller (late term abortionist) belongs to this ELCA (read Here)...and CHRISTS HOSPITAL (read here)in chicago where Jill Stanek worked which basically was dumping late term born alive babies in the soiled linen closet is also an Evangelical Lutheran Church...There is a group called Lutherans for Life which is incredible in fighting for life. In any event, I believe that if one is being truly biblical there is no choice but life and that we will agree with Psalm 139 and know that God has knit us and we don't advocate for taking a life under any circumstances...

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